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Crawford County Fair Aug 18th - Aug25th 2018 11AM to 8PM daily

  • Crawford County Fairgrounds 13129 Dickson Road Meadville, PA, 16335 United States (map)

Stop by our booth under the Grandstand at the Crawford County Fairgrounds, all are invite to stop by and chat about candidates, register vote or just to say Hello.

Meet Sue Mulvey for State Senate on Thursday August 23rd 12:00 to 7:00 at the Democratic Booth under the Grandstand.

Meet Ron DiNicola for Congress on Friday August 24th 12:00 to 7:00 at the Democratic Booth under the Grandstand.

If you are interested in volunteering to man the booth, you can by our Aug. 2nd meeting or email us and someone will get back to with information.

August 3

Fri. Aug 3rd & Sat Aug. 4th Thunder in the City

September 15

Pymatuning Lake Waterfowl & Fishing Expo